is a Swiss consultancy and
capacity-building company founded in 2003 by the former director of the Swiss veterinary authority.
It works towards achieving the global goals of animal health, food safety and food security for
consumers and the sustainable trade in animal-derived food products, such as meat and milk.
SAFOSO works with private companies, governments, international organizations, consumer groups,
diagnostic companies and academic institutions – whichever are the relevant stakeholders.
SAFOSO emphasizes the pre-harvest food-chain because food safety management is at its
most effective when it begins early in the production process. Its technical expertise
is the foundation of all of SAFOSO’s work. Its staff remains scientifically up-to-date
to provide the best available knowledge to its clients.
Office 1, 10, Malopidvalna Str., Kyiv, Ukraine
Tel.: +38 044 279 87 12 (13)
Fax: +38 044 279 88 45