Third International Conference of the Milk Safety Project

«Establishment of a risk-based food safety control system in the dairy value chain in Ukraine»

Date: Oсtober, 3 – 4, 2018

Conference venue: Premier Hotel Rus, 4 Hospitalna str., Kyiv.

Welcome to the (web)page of the third international conference organized by the Milk Safety project!

The title of the conference recalls the main objective of the project that is to support the establishment and implementation of a modern risk-based food safety control system in the dairy value chain in Ukraine.

TThe main goal of this conference is to raise awareness of stakeholders involved in the dairy sector about risk based food safety control system and importance of the usage of “best practices” for the production of safe dairy products. At the same time we aim at providing a platform for exchange of knowledge and information on different aspects of the dairy production system.

The 2 days conference is organized in the following sessions. In each session invited speakers will present their views on different topics and discussions will be facilitated by moderators:
1) National legislation and International requirements
2) Risk-based food safety control system in the dairy value chain
3) Private industry engagement in food safety control system and best practice for the milk production
4) Control of veterinary drugs residues in milk

Programme and proceedings
The programme is available for download. Proceedings of the conference will also be available for download.

Photo of Сonference:

Presentations of Сonference:
- Sabine Reist
- Marco De Nardi
- Isabel Lechner
With thanks
The Milk Safety Project team

Office 1, 10, Malopidvalna Str., Kyiv, Ukraine
Tel.: +38 044 279 87 12 (13)
Fax: +38 044 279 88 45