The project will fulfil the main objective through three components:
1) Establishing the institutional arrangements and promoting stakeholders awareness to allow the State Service on Food Safety and Consumer Protection to design, coordinate and supervise the application of an integrated food safety control system based on the use of innovative epidemiological methodologies (e.g. risk assessment, value chain analysis and economic analysis);

2) Increasing the technical knowledge of and providing modern tools for implementation of an efficient risk-based food safety inspection system (e.g. guidelines for inspection, risk based surveillance protocols, exchange information platform, laboratory services) to the State Service on Food Safety and Consumer Protection;

3) Enabling the private industry (in particular milk processors, farmers and milk transporters) to produce safe and good quality milk and milk products for consumers in Ukraine and abroad through targeted awareness and capacity building actions.

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Tel.: +38 044 279 87 12 (13)
Fax: +38 044 279 88 45