Training materials
Component 1 "Institutional Environment"

Component 2 "Implementation"

Component 3 "Private Industry"

1. Importance of milk safety and quality – economy
2. Importance of safe raw milk – policy level
3. Importance of safe raw milk – animal health
4. Importance safe raw milk – human health
5. Risk prevention of bad or unsafe milk
6. Training of Trainers (ToT), focus: small producers. Animal health and calf rearing
7. Training of Trainers (ToT), focus: small producers. Animal welfare and housing conditions
8. Training of Trainers (ToT), focus: small producers. Communication and training tips
9. Training of Trainers (ToT), focus: small producers. Documents and record keeping
10. Training of Trainers (ToT), focus: small producers. Feeding and quality of feed and water
11. Training of Trainers (ToT), focus: small producers. Milking hygiene quality and safety
12. Training of Trainers (ToT) focus transporters MCP. MCP in Ukraine regulatory aspects
13. Training of Trainers (ToT) focus transporters MCP. Milk quality control and documentation
14. Training of Trainers (ToT) focus transporters MCP. Refrigeration and pasteurization their role for the control of food safety hazards
15. Training of Trainers (ToT) focus transporters MCP. What should be tested at the MCP and how
16. Training of Trainers (ToT) focus transporters MCP. Somatic Cell Count and Total Microbial Count what do they mean, biologically and financially
17. Training of Trainers (ToT) focus transporters MCP. Equipment disinfection, and pest management
18. Training of Trainers (ToT) focus transporters MCP. Is personal hygiene part of this story
19. Training of Trainers (ToT) focus transporters MCP. Milk transportation best practice
20. Study visit Switzerland. Food inspection office of canton of Berne
21. Study visit Switzerland. Inspection in dairy processing plants
22. Awareness Workshop. Associations’ work in the dairy sector in Switzerland
23. Awareness workshop. Inspections - The Swiss Perspective
24. Awareness workshop. Quality based payment system for raw milk-official versus private controls in Switzerland
25. Awareness workshop. Inspections-Aspects beyond the Checklist
26. Awareness workshop Legal Frameworks in Raw Milk Control Responsibilities and Implementation in Switzerland

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